GIRLS* ON ICE CANADA Yukon Expedition


2026, Pending Funding

Explore Yukon’s iconic glaciers

The Yukon expedition begins near Kluane Lake at our frontcountry camp. Participants build their mountain movement and observation skills through various day hikes in the Kluane Lake region and gain a cultural understanding for their environment with a visit to the Da Ku Cultural Center. With these new skills, the team will hike into a tent-based backcountry basecamp at Nadahini Glacier and attempt a hike on the glacier on the peak experience day. At the end of the expedition the participants will give a presentations to a public audience.


General Expedition Itinerary:

  • Day 1: Arrive in Whitehorse, Yukon by noon and travel to our frontcountry basecamp near Kluane Lake. We will learn about traveling and camping in the mountains and get to know each other.

  • Day 2-3: We will take part in many learning opportunities including day-hikes where participants will learn about one another and witness the impacts of hydrological disruption in the A´ąy Chù (Slims River) and the connected landscape during the first few days of the program.

  • Day 4: Hike up to our base camp near the Nadahini glacier, where we will based out of for the next 5 days.

  • Days 5-9: Explore the glacier and surrounding mountains while developing skills for mountain travel and learning about the ice and snow and the ecosystems that depend on them.  Deepen our relationship with this landscape by working on developing our science projects. We will also meet local artists and scientists. 

  • Day 10: Hike out from basecamp back to the trailhead.  Then we  travel back to our frontcountry camp.

  • Day 11: Wrap up science experiments with a culminating presentation of the results.

  • Day 12: Final reflection activities and return to airport.


Support Girls* on Ice Canada

Girls* on Ice Canada is fundraising for summer 2023 expeditions.